Thursday, May 29, 2014

Town of Collingwood Street and Planning Data

This vector data resource provides topographic and planning information for the Town of Collingwood, Ontario. This information was delivered to the Geospatial Centre by the Town of Collingwood in April, 2014.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Zoning Data (2014) for the City of Stratford

Received updated zoning data (2014) from the City of Stratford.


Friday, May 9, 2014

Global Administrative Areas (GADM)

The Geospatial Centre acquired updated data (version 2.0 - 2012) to "Global Administrative Boundaries" (GADM). GADM is a database of the location of the world's administrative areas (boundaries). Administrative areas in this database include: countries, counties, departments, etc. and cover every country in the world. For each area it provides some attributes, foremost being the name and in some cases variant names.

City of Brampton Municipal Data

Received from the City of Brampton, updates to the Geospatial Centre's municipal data set. Also included, were new data files for light poles, towers, driveways, vegetation and spot heights.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Region of Waterloo Parks Data

Parks Data from the Region of Waterloo was received on May 7th, 2014.

Friday, April 11, 2014

City of Toronto Open Data Site

The City of Toronto Open Data Site is continually updating and adding new data files. Creation dates for this rich open data ranges from 2009  to current. Data is available in various formats, including ESRI shapfile, XML, Excel, live feed and CSV.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) 2014 Data

Received March 2014, data updates from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Data updates include flora, fauna, water bodies, watercourses, contours, watersheds and TRCA boundary.

Monday, March 17, 2014

City of Guelph 2014 Municipal Data

The Geospatial Centre received Municipal data updates from the City of Guelph in March 2014.

Friday, March 7, 2014

2013 Orthoimagery for the City of Toronto

2013 Orthoimagery was received February 2014 from the Geospatial Competency Centre, Mapping Services, City of Toronto. Imagery covers the entire City of Toronto and consists of 3,018 tiles each covering an area of 0.5 km2, with an image resolution of 6cm ground pixel.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

City of Cambridge 2014 Municipal Data

In March 2014,  the Geospatial Centre received updates to the City of Cambridge Municipal dataset.


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Regional Municipality of Waterloo - Orthoimosaic 2012

In January 2014, the Region of Waterloo made 2012 imagery data available to the Geospatial Centre through the Web Coverage Service (WCS). This 12 cm resolution, full colour orthomosaic has a total uncompressed file size of 331 GB.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Regional Municipality of Waterloo - Orthoimosaic 2010

In January 2014, the Region of Waterloo made 2010 imagery data available to the Geospatial Centre through the Web Coverage Service (WCS). This 20 cm resolution, full colour orthomosaic has a total uncompressed file size of 240 GB.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway/ bus routes, as well as subway stations

Received from the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) on February 2014, updated data for subway/ bus routes, as well as subway stations.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Region of Waterloo - 2014 Data Updates

In January 2014 the Geospatial Centre received from the Region data updates and new data files including golf courses, heritage sites, hydro one stations/ structures, developed land-use areas, rapid transit facilities, gas pipelines, ambulance stations, city/ town/ village boundaries and Waterloo District School Board Boundaries (Catholic and Regional).

Thursday, January 23, 2014

City of London 2013 Orthoimagery

This data resource contains a full-colour MrSid orthoimage of the City of London. Imagery was taken in April 2013, and provided by the City of London to the Geospatial Centre in November 2013.  Mosaic file size is approximately 2 GB with a spatial resolution of 15cm.